Topic 8: Catch Up and Tag Videos

Thank you, for answering my questions so far. All your help has been great and it is interesting hearing about how we all seem to view BookTube in similar and yet slightly differing ways.

The BookTube-a-thon was a lot of work and after that I needed to catch up on more research so that is where I have been exploring the community.

If you missed my last few videos from the Read-A-Thon then here they are:

I didn't have any questions for these videos but if you have anything that you think I should know about BookTube Read-a-thons then do let me know. For example you could describe what the experience was like for you.


During the read-a-thon I also hit 100 subscribers. This has always seemed to be quite a mile stone for new BookTubers. I was very excited and I made a thank you video. 

I didn't put any questions on this either but:
- How do you choice who to subscribe to?
- What was it like for you to reach 100 subscribers?
- Do you feel you have a sub community with you subscribers? What is your relationship like with them?


After taking a little break from filming, I have a new video today. The Reading Habits book tag. This tag was suggest by a subscriber on my 100 subscriber video.

The dissertation questions I posted on this one were:
1. Do you tend to do tags only if you are tagged, or do you do them even if you are not?
2. Do you tend to tag people at the end?
3. What are tag videos?


Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. If you think there is anything that I should know about the community then please get in contact with me.

Hopefully in the next two weeks I will put up an update video, about things that I have discovered so far. Do look out for that as I would love to get your opinion on what I have discovered so far.
